Partners & Friends



Martha Haylett

Catherine Condon

Mary McIntyre

Diana Warren

Vaughan O’Leary

Jane Vale

Become a Partner

How You
Can Help

Since 2007 the Clunes Booktown Festival has been a highlight of the cultural calendar in regional Victoria, attracting 12,000 – 15,000+ visitors to the region over the festival weekend.

We offer partner organisations creative ways to make meaningful connections with the regional community, while achieving their business objectives.

Creative Clunes welcomes enquiries from potential partners on how best to align their product with our audiences.

We tailor make partnership packages to maximise branding and product promotion. Please contact us and to discuss options.

Creative Clunes welcomes enquiries from philanthropic trusts and private individuals.         

Creative Clunes has ROCO and DGR status. It provides cultural opportunities to the village and surrounding areas and promotes cultural and creative tourism. Its work has been recognised in the OECD (Paris) report on Tourism and the Creative Economy (2014) and is actively engaged in further exploration of these ideas.

Through the value and promotion of books writing and ideas the people of the village have, since 2007, created a vibrant thriving township. The many clubs and societies are prosperous and active. The population has risen from under 1000 to around 1600. Businesses are on-sold and many part time jobs have been created.

But there is still much to do. We welcome the opportunity to discuss our on-going plans with you.

Contact us at PO Box 287 Clunes Vic 3370; Ph 03 53453947 or email